9 Data science workflow

(AST230) R for Data Science


Md Rasel Biswas

Data science tools

A typical data science project


  • Reading data from different sources, e.g., SAS, SPSS, Stata, Excel, SQL, etc.


  • When your data is tidy, each column is a variable and each row is an observation


  • Transformation includes
    • narrowing in on observations of interest (like all people in one city or all data from the last year),
    • creating new variables that are functions of existing variables (like computing speed from distance and time), and
    • calculating a set of summary statistics (like counts or means).

Together, tidying and transforming are called wrangling because getting your data in a form that’s natural to work with often feels like a fight!


  • Visualization is a fundamentally human activity.
  • A good visualization will show you things you did not expect or raise new questions about the data.
  • A good visualization might also hint that you’re asking the wrong question or that you need to collect different data.


  • summarizing data
  • Models are complementary tools to visualization.
  • Once you have made your questions sufficiently precise, you can use a model to answer them.


  • Presenting results and writing report


  • tidyverse is a collection of R packages

    • ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, readr, purrr, dplyr, and many more

    • tidyverse_packages() \rightarrow shows the complete list of tidyverse packages

  • tidyverse packages share a common philosophy of data and R programming and are designed to work together naturally

    • Coding philosophy is different for functions of tidyverse packages compared to the base R packages

  • Hadley Wickham and his colleagues have been working on tidyverse packages at RStudio Inc.

  • To load all packages of tidyverse

  • No need to load ggplot2 package if you load tidyverse family of packages